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HELP CONSERVE HUNT FARM: Cultivating, Nourishing and Growing a Farm

Posted Monday, June 26, 2023
Photo of members of The Farm Upstream LLC

JULT is currently fundraising for the remaining $20,000. With the appraised value of the conservation easement fully funded, The Farm Upstream will purchase the farm and conserve the land simultaneously. This is the LAST step towards a farming future for the Hunt Farm.

Together we can make this happen! Please help us close the funding gap by sending your tax-deductible donation to JULT. Donations may be sent though our website or by check with TFU on the memo line. Thank you!

Read below for details:

Jericho’s agricultural roots run deep. For many generations, the Hunt Farm, which stretches along Lee River Road, has been actively farmed. Over the years, the dairy farm has transformed to livestock, and hay. From either direction, the beauty of this landscape is enjoyed by all who travel this road. The Hunt Farm has been carefully stewarded over many years by Maitland (Bud) Hunt and his wife Marjorie Hunt. They acquired this farm from Maitland’s father, Rolla Hunt. This was not easy for them to hold on to as no farm goes without its struggles. Many have wondered just how long this rural expanse would remain intact? Could this historic farm continue? Martha “Hunt” Prince and her daughter Melanie Rodjenski have been working diligently with the Vermont Land Trust (VLT) and a group of young farmers called The Farm Upstream LLC. The hope is to conserve this treasured, agricultural land. JULT is also involved in ensuring that the farming heritage continues. The plan includes conserving 52 acres on the south side of the road, a mix of prime agricultural and statewide soils. There is 3,670ft of frontage on the Lee River and about 25 acres of forested terrain.

The Farm Upstream LLC (TFU) is a collective made up of five member-owners: Spencer Hardy, Jacqueline Huettenmoser, Jake Kornfeld, Corrine Froning and Tucker Andrews. Although young, they have many years of hands-on experience with wholesale vegetable production, no-till market gardening, poultry and livestock production, cider and fresh fruit production, CSA management, farmers’ market sales, and crew management. They are eager to develop a diversified organic farm featuring berries, eggs, and a native plant nursery. The farmers have a strong desire to serve the immediate community and plan a farm stand, CSA, and for neighbors to engage with the farm. First-year crops will include strawberries, rhubarb, and garlic.

The conservation easement on the 52 acres has been appraised at $635,000. This is the value of the development rights. With the assistance of the Vermont Land Trust, a grant from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) was awarded for $550,000. This leaves $85,000 which must be bridged. Both JULT and TFU have collaborated to request $65,000 from the Jericho Conservation Reserve Fund. This amount was approved by the Jericho Selectboard on June 15, 2023.

JULT is currently fundraising for the remaining $20,000. With the appraised value of the conservation easement fully funded, The Farm Upstream will purchase the farm and conserve the land simultaneously. This is the LAST step towards a farming future for the Hunt Farm. Together we can make this happen!Please help us close the funding gap by sending your tax-deductible donation to JULT. Donations may be sent though our website or by check with TFU on the memo line. Thank you!